Q/A with Eric Hedlund
Throughout his career, Eric Hedlund (Servato’s VP of Sales), has created opportunities for others, driven by his entrepreneurial spirit throughout his career. He has started companies, lead engineering and sales teams, and managed product development at a variety of outfits. In this interview, we explored his decorated career in telecom to find interesting insights to pass down to young fledglings in the industry, such as myself.
BD - "As an original member of the Servato team, what change is the most evident from then to today?"
EH – “We now have a wide range of products in our product line portfolio that can meet the requirements of both larger and smaller customers. We are also now are not just a Battery Management solution provider, but a complete DC Power Management and IoT solution provider.”
BD - "Did you ever foresee that change happening back then?
EH – “Yes, we had a longer term vision for how the company and product set would evolve. But when just getting started it is essential to have focus and to execute. We were focused on the larger service providers with enough space for our initial 4-string solution. Once we began getting market penetration, we knew we would have to offer several size and mounting options, hence the 2- and 1-string configurations that can easily expand. Battery Management solutions are important, but not as critical as a DC power plant. It only made sense to combine the two with our SPS-R, a carrier class rectifier with integrated battery management.”
BD - "Customers love to see you travel to the most rural portions of our country as the VP of Sales because you care about hearing their feedback. This population is Servato's go-to-market. So, how do you balance this travel?"
EH – “If possible, I try to always be home Monday’s and Fridays and have a least one full week home a month.”
BD - "Are there any memorable locations you have come across during your travels? "
EH – “One of the most memorable was in Arizona. Overseeing an installation on the border of Mexico one day and installing on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon the very next day. Everyone should go see the Grand Canyon if they have a chance. I was lucky enough to paddle through it for 8 days long ago. What a trip!!”
BD - "I bet that still doesn't top your favorite skiing memory. You spent many weekends growing up in the mountains of New England perfecting the double diamond runs. If you had to pick one mountain what would it be?"
EH – “In New England several, on a power day, Mad River Glen or Sugarbush, VT; spring skiing the bumps on Bear Mountain at Killington, VT or snow fields at Sugarloaf, ME. Adrenaline-rush skiing definitely, Tuckerman’s Ravine on Mt Washington, NH. Outside New England, Jackson Hole, WY.”
BD - "How does this compare against your favorite Boston sports championship?"
EH – “Without a doubt, 2004 Red Sox World Series win, which I credit my dog Fenway for “Reversing the Curse”. Fenway joined our family summer of 2004 and the Red Sox won that year, plus 3 additional WS wins since, ‘07,’13 &’18. Fenway recently passed, but he had a great run. He is greatly missed!”
BD - "How many years does Brady have left?"
EH – “4 more years. He wants to play till he’s 45. He’s got some more championships in him.”
BD - I'll leave this conversation with that. Thanks for your time, Eric
From Last Month
Dorion, Servato's Head of Support and Software Engineering, spoke about his love for the game of golf. He said he would be too nervous to play with Tiger, Nicklaus, Lefty, or Arnold Palmer and would opt to play with current buddies or his son. Dorion loves The Masters and can't wait to go to Augusta, GA in the future.Who do you have to win it all next weekend?
Did You Know?
Servato's ActiView® platform now supports advanced analytic reporting for customers. We take pride in owning one of the largest databases of stationary lead-acid battery field performance. We create reports for our customers so they can better understand battery budgeting needs, what existing load and capacity are at their sites, and how to make the best use of existing battery assets.

Let's talk if you are looking to find an alternative way to test batteries that delivers a more accurate and predictive state of health measurement.