Q/A with Dorion Carr
Our Chief Software Architect and Head of Support, Dorion Carr, helps to build our software products and runs our support services. An original member of the Servato team, Dorion has been involved in starting other companies throughout his career and been hired to be a creative inventor for established companies. We explore his creative design approach to solutions, answering the call to action, and a golf swing he can't wait to loosen back up now that it is the beginning of March.
BD - "As an original member of the Servato team, what changes to the product are the most evident from then to today?"
DC – " The product has evolved in a few substantial ways from the time Servato started till now. Mostly security, reliability of the network and the ability to see the network remotely. In today’s environment, with more and more people trying to hack into equipment, products need to be more secure than ever.
Secondly, as bandwidth demands increase more and more, communications customers want a better network and better services. This is forcing companies to focus more attention on improving network reliability and limiting downtime.
Finally, as the older workforce is retiring many of their special skills are going with them. Carriers are replacing them with younger talent and asking them to do more (think broader but shallower skillsets). Having tools like Servato’s in the network enables these new generalist techs to know more about a network situation before they go out to address it. This remote visibility into the network is becoming a key factor in improving network reliability. This is where Servato has been able to help, to see our customers embrace these tools successfully and to use their feedback to adapt our products to their needs. It has been very invigorating. "
BD - "Did you foresee these changes happening back when you were first designing ActiView?
DC - " Yes and No. Developing software for the telecom industry for as long as I have you see the changes coming, you try to analyze and somewhat predict the future and try to provide features that you believe will help your customers. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes not. In the end, your customers need to see the benefits of your products. What helps is trying to always be there for your customers and help as much as possible. "
BD - "Customers love to pick up the phone for Servato Support and find your voice on the other end. A lot of other companies do not have someone in your position taking time out of their day to make sure they hear the customer's interests straight from their mouth. How do you find time to do this?"
DC - " Customers are everything to us, without them Servato doesn’t have a business. We strive to build products that our customers need. How can we do that if we don’t talk with them on a regular basis? I really enjoy talking to our customers so I will always find the time. We are also trying to build a team and culture that puts the customer at the center. We grow because our customers grow using Servato products. "
BD - "Are there any outstanding customer support stories you have come across? Keep it anonymous of course."
DC - " There are always some. My favorites are when a significant power failure happens and the network recovers successfully. We will sometimes get an email stating “We really appreciate what the Servato products have done during this power failure, we spent less time on the road (sending techs to sites) and more time managing our network remotely, keeping our customers’ services running and knowing where to service if we need to, thank you”"
BD - "I bet that still doesn't top your favorite golf memory. If you had to pick one what would it be?"
DC - " A few years back I got to go the masters. For a golfer, this is like the holy grail! Nothing is like being there in person, seeing how perfectly manicured it is, the color of the grass, the layout of the course, the history behind it and of course seeing all the professionals playing."
BD - "What about your dream golf foursome and location?"
DC - " Most people would say some of the most common professional, Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus, I would be WAY too nervous to play with them. I would prefer one of my sons or my current golfing buddies. "
BD - "Do you end up winning that round?"
DC - " The short answer is yes. I am a competitor. The long answer is it doesn’t matter as much anymore who wins. I have been playing golf for so long it’s now more about the enjoyment of the game than just about winning. But, don’t get me wrong. I still like to win!."
BD - I'll leave this conversation with that. Thanks for your time Dorion.
From Last Month
Chris brought his medals to a local decor shop in New Orleans to create a display kit for his kids. The shadow box will proudly show off their great-grandpa's Silver Star along with other accolades, adjacent to formal documentation of his enlistment.
Did You Know?
Servato's ActiView® platform displays a battery fuel gauge during outages allowing customers to easily prioritize site uptime.

Let's talk if you are looking to find an alternative way to test batteries that delivers a more accurate and predictive state of health measurement, especially during outages like this customer experienced.