In it's annual Backup Power issue, AGL Magazine features a product showcase of power systems and backup power technologies. Servato's SPS-148, a hardened battery management system (BMS) is one of the technologies featured.
[…]Alex Rawitz

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Servato CEO Chris Mangum in AGL Magazine
AGL Magazine's annual Backup Power issue is out this May, and Servato CEO Chris Mangum has contributed a headline piece. In this article he describes how improving backup power is not just an opportunity to improve site reliability and prevent downtime, but also a great way to contribute to sustainability goals.
To read the full article in AGL Magazine, click here.
[…]Servato is VERY excited to be exhibiting at the UTC Telecom & Technology 2017 May 8-12. In addition to participating as a vendor at the Walker & Associates booth, Servato has been selected as part of of a special group of vendors to demonstrate cutting edge "smart" technologies. Here's a full description of how we'll be a part of Smart Systems for Smarter Communities:
[…]In this great article from The Atlantic's CityLab, author Krishna Jayakar details the uncertainty around government subsidized broadband expansion under the budget from the Trump administration. The article highlights the importance of broadband, explaining that "research at the Institute for Information Policy at Penn State, and that of many others, has shown that broadband penetration can have multiplier effects on jobs creation, small business startups, wages and incomes, property values and community renewal. Even modest investments can have lasting benefits."
This article was originally published on T&D World. To read the original article, click here.
[…]Telecom Batteries Protected in Texas
The Texas Communications Expo is one of the premier state events in the telecom industry, and Servato will be present to bring Active Battery Management to Texas for the first time. Servato will be attending with several channel partners who share our commitment to great service.
- See Servato's line of hardware appliances, the Smart Power Systems
- Take a look at ActiView, our Battery Management Software
- Learn about the latest advances in our leading-edge technology
Booth 428!
[…]Telecom Battery Management - Go Beyond Battery Monitoring
The great state of Minnesota is home to many independent telephone companies. Minnesota has been a pioneer in investing in broadband for its rural communities, and Servato is excited to be a part of the MTA's show this year.
Servato will be present with several channel partners who share our commitment to great service.
- See Servato's line of hardware appliances, the Smart Power Systems
- Take a look at ActiView, our Battery Management Software
- Learn about the latest advances in our leading-edge technology
Movers & Shakers Interview Chris Mangum, CEO and Chairman of Servato
Remote Battery Management Technology, Internet of Things, and the Future of Telecom
Vishal Sapru (VS), Research Manager for Energy & Power Systems Group had an opportunity to conduct a Movers & Shakers interview with Chris Mangum (CM), CEO and Chairman with Servato.
Battery Management for the Mid-Atlantic
South Carolina has a rich American history as a cradle of the early republic, and Chalerston is at the heart of that history. South Carolina is also home to some of the largest independent telephone companies in the nation, and these technology-forward telephone companies will all be gathered in Charleston at the end of March for the SCTBA show.
Servato will be present with several channel partners who share our commitment to great service.
- See Servato's line of hardware appliances, the Smart Power Systems
- Take a look at ActiView, our Battery Management Software
- Learn about the latest advances in our leading-edge technology
The Spring 2017 Issue of Battery Power Online Goes Deep into Adaptive Charging for Standby Batteries
In this article, written by Servato Business Development Manager Alex Rawitz, the benefits of Adaptive Charging compared to industry standard float are explained. Among the many benefits, the article describes:
- Battery life extension through the elimination of over-charging
- Improved battery data for better analytics and trend analysis
- Healthier batteries for more reliable backup power
Want to see the full article?