Article: Police believe they know who’s been stealing cell phone tower batteries

An article in The San Bernadino Sun reports that police in the California town arrested two men they believe to have stolen more than $50,000 worth of cell tower batteries over the course of a year. Outages aren't the only threat to backup power and service interruptions.


CCA Voice: A Lesson in Becoming Proactive

Business Development Manager Alex Rawitz wrote for the 2016 Spring/Summer issue of CCA Voice. The article outlines a proactive approach to maintaining network power.

 "Just like an individual’s health, there are many aspects of a healthy network. A big part of a healthy network that is often out of sight and out of mind is backup power. Like individual healthcare, there is an increasing need to focus on preventative wellness in the network by proactively using data. As the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution grows, IoT will add new stresses, require new abilities, and demand more from the aging infrastructure of networks and carriers across the U.S. To realize an IoT future, it is necessary to improve best practices around network health, including backup power."

Click here to read the article


Wireless Week: Battery Management Critical for Support, Savings

Wireless Week's Diana Goovaerts interviewed Servato CEO and Chairman Chris Mangum on the importance of backup power to the Internet of Things.

While depleted smart phone batteries are the worst night mare of many individuals, the batteries that protect wireless networks are out of sight and out of mind even for many of the network operators. Hundreds of thousans of cell sites have dozens of batteries each and they all have to be tested and monitored to ensure network service. Read more in the article in Wireless Week Battery Management Critical for Support, Savings.


Battery Management Blog

Backup Batteries are almost always out of site and out of mind. Most engineers and managers try to spend as little time as possible working on them in order to spend more time delivering better service. But when battery issues are a problem, frustration ensues. 


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